Here we specify the recommended requirements for running Virtualist on your device.
For desktop experience on Mac or PC
You need a modern machine with 64-bit Windows or Mac OS X 10.9.2 or later. Processor should be Quad-Core Intel or AMD processor, 2.5 Ghz or faster. Graphics card should be Geforce GTX 470 or AMD Radeon HD 6870. Make sure you have 8 GB of RAM.
For Virtual Reality
You need a modern VR headset such as HTC VIVE, HTC VIVE Pro or Oculus Rift Touch. It needs to be connected PC machine with Intel i7-6700 equivalent or greater processor. Graphics card should be NVIDIA GTX 1060 equivalent or greater. You need 16GB+ RAM and compatible HDMI 1.3 video output. Ports 3x USB 3.0 ports plus 1x USB 2.0 port & Windows 7 SP1 64 bit or newer.
For mobile devices and augmented reality
We recommend iPad Pro, iPad (5th generation), iPhone 6s-8 & SE, Samsung A5-A8+, Samsung S7 – S8+, S7 Edge, Note 8, Google Pixel 1-2, Pixel XL 1-2, Asus Zenfone AR, Zenfone Ares, Huawei P20, Moto Z2 Force, OnePlus 5.